Call of Cthulhu Masks of Nyarlathotep Dice set (7) – Q Workshop (SCTX19) Heiß im Angebot
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Call of Cthulhu Masks of Nyarlathotep Dice set (7) – Q Workshop (SCTX19)
This is dice set for cultists and keepers of secrets that understand the gravity of the situation. Only proper dice can save the team from the wrath of the Nyarlathotep.
Call of Cthulhu: The Complete Masks of Nyarlathotep Dice Set
In the history of Call of Cthulhu from Chaosium, there are a few milestones, that have changed the history of our hobby. One of them is The Masks of Nyarlathotep. The BEST WRITTEN CTHULHU’s CAMPAIGN EVER, as many say and judges on many contests have said the same. The newest slipcase book set for 7th Edition is released and this time the Masks are huge, so it’s really the Great Old One Edition. The improper 666 pages make an impression.
Seven chapters as seven dice – Mnemonic
If you want to memorize the parts of this campaign you should familiarize yourself with dice and use them as symbols. For example (with tiny spoilers and small twist in chronology) we have made for ourselves pulp titles for all real geographic chapter’s headers:
- D4 – it looks like a mountain in Peru and this is the smallest die, great for the prelude. The notes for this chapter could be named “The Day We Dug Too Deep”;
- D6 – looks like the proper and snobby cubicle, and this chapter is played in England, so let’s call it “Conspiracy of Our Imperial Brothers”;
- D8 – looks like an old jewel or two pyramids, the investigators travel to Egypt, and my notes are titled “Don’t resurrect the Queen!”;
- D10 – Kenya – Heart of The Black Land, and Heart of Darkness. The place where “mercy” is a forbidden word. I named this chapter “ The Night When Evil Was Born”;
- D00 – Black Part of City, where the campaign is started but the author of this story see this too late, so “I’m 100% Sorry” and the only choice is “Harlem Nights Murder Spree”;
- D12 – In Dawn Under, there are so many bizarre things, animals and cultists looking for ancient secrets that the only choice is “Forbidden City in the Great Sandy Desert”;
- D20 – Fattest, biggest die, like a Bloated Woman in Shanghai, where you must deal with “Death That Came From Dragon Island”.